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  • Foto do escritorMilena Monteiro

Why Prototype?

Because it saves time, and time is money.


Mila Monteiro

No, wait, I'll say a few more words about it. 😆

Imagine hiring an architect to build your new house. You tell them you want big glass windows, a pool, and a jacuzzi in your bedroom. The next day, they say they're ready to start building it without showing you any plans or discussing possibilities or potential issues. What do you end up with? Windows that are not as big as you envisioned, a giant pool (even though you didn't realize your family prefers playing basketball over swimming), and water infiltration in your bedroom floor. You've invested a significant amount of time, labor, and money, only to have a house that nobody likes and full of problems. Now, you might need to invest even more time, labor, and money to build a new one (unless you're broke). 🤡

In the tech world, it's a similar story. Building software can be expensive, so it's crucial to ensure that what you release is what works and what users want, need, like, and can use. Prototyping is also important for attracting investors, for assessing feasibility, testing new features with users, and making informed decisions.

There are various types of prototypes, but I can delve into those in another post.

🧠 (( It was a quick bite to instigate your curiosity, go further and research more about the subject! ))


Mila Monteiro


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