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  • Foto do escritorMilena Monteiro

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

Both types of research play essential roles in user experience design, but they have different methods and goals. We need to understand what type of information our team wants to gather to be able to choose the approach to collect it.

💹 Quantitative Research

Quantitative research gathers numerical data, generating measurable, quantitative insights to establish patterns, correlations, and trends (e.g., conversion, success, satisfaction rates, number of visits, and task time).

The analysis is objective and involves statistical techniques such as mean, median, standard deviation, regression analysis, and hypothesis testing.

Examples of Methods: surveys with closed-ended questions, user analytics, questionnaires, click-tracking, A/B testing, and closed card sorting.

💙 Qualitative Research

Qualitative research focuses on collecting observational (non-numerical) data, it seeks to uncover user motivations, behavior, attitudes, pain points, and emotions to understand the "why" and "how" behind user actions/interactions.

The analysis is subjective and requires interpretation. Researchers extract themes, patterns, and insights from qualitative data, often using techniques like content analysis or thematic analysis.

Examples of Methods: user interviews, think-aloud protocol, focus groups, ethnographic studies, and open card sorting.

🧠 (( It was a quick bite to instigate your curiosity, go further and research more about the subject! ))


Mila Monteiro


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