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  • Foto do escritorMilena Monteiro

Human Centered Design vs User Centered Design

Human-Centered Design is a broader approach that can be applied to various design domains, not only tech. What else can you design? Physical products, services, buildings, and so on. Therefore, it incorporates a wide range of research and design methods, including ethnographic research and service design, for exemple.

User-Centered Design is a subgroup of HCD that focuses primarily on designing user interfaces and interactive systems, emphasizing the immediate users and their experience. UCD actively involves users in the design process, learning about them, gathering their feedback, and using that information to iterate and improve the design.

The main aspects they have in common are:

User-centric: prioritize understanding and addressing user needs, behaviors, and preferences.

Empathy: designers need to empathize with users, putting themselves in the users' shoes to better understand them. (Sometimes we think we know what is best for users, but often we are wrong)

Usability: aim to design products or systems that are easy to use and provide a good experience for users.

Iterativeness: involve an iterative design process where feedback from users is continually gathered and used to refine the design. (That's why I say "final" product/prototype, in quotes)

🧠 (( It was a quick bite to instigate your curiosity, go further and research more about the subject! ))


Mila Monteiro


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